Cleaning, disinfecting, and maintaining your inflatables is essential if you want to prolong their life. Keeping a vinyl's surface clean is a quick job, especially if you are using the best cleaning products. The below products are recommended by our customers who have been in the industry for 20+ years.

Note: All products recommended below will NOT damage the color and quality of our vinyl.

Simple Green D Pro 3 - A non-toxic, non-abrsive, and non-correosive formula, that will kill 99.9% of GERMS and VIRUSES (including COVID-19), great for an all-around DEEP CLEAN on your unit.
Simple Green D Pro 3 Image           
LA’s Totally Awesome Purpose Concentrated Cleaner- A non-toxic formula that works to remove black and/or stubborn stains but is most commonly used to remove MOLD and MILDEW from your vinyl.

Mr. Clean Magic Eraser- Most commonly used to remove LEAF STAINS on your vinyl. Mr. Clean Magic Eraser will scrub off your vinyl's most impossible stains with ease.

All products recommended above are only suggestions from our customers. If you have any suggestions, we would love to hear them! Give us a call at 888-344-5867 or leave us a comment below!

Check out these four easy steps on how to properly keep your units clean and pristine. > See post 

1 comment



I am looking into any products that are safe to use to bring back the shine and color to our vinyl inflatables.
Do you have any tricks or insight into that issue?

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